Sell 10 Guilders Gold Coin
The Kingdom of the Netherlands minted 10 Guilder (also called “Gulden”) gold coins between 1892 and 1933. The coins have four obverse designs, featuring different monarchs of the Netherlands. The coin is made of .900 gold and has a total weight of 6.73 grams. Currently you can sell a 10 Guilder gold coin for $533.35 in very nice condition and even for $505.28 in bad condition with significant signs of wear. offers the highest possible price for your Guilder gold coins.
10 Guilders/ Gulden Gold Coin Value
The value of 10 Guilders gold coins is based on the current gold price. We offer 95% of the current gold price for Guilder coins in very good condition and even 90% for damaged coins. Plus, we always pay a premium for rare coins. The market value for one 10 Guilder gold coin is currently $560.86 while we pay you a whopping $533.35 per coin.
Coin Facts
Obverse Meaning: Queen Wilhelmina – God be with us
Reverse Meaning: Kingdom of the Netherlands – 10 G (for Guilders)
Origin: Netherlands
Gross Weight: 6.73 grams
Net Weight: 6.05 grams
Purity: .900 gold
Face Value: 10 HFL
Diameter: 22.40 mm
Thickness: 1.20 mm
Material Value: $560.86
Purchase Price: $533.35 (mint)
Purchase Price: $505.28 (poor)
Minted: 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 ,1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933
Sell 10 Guilders/Gulden Gold Coin
It’s fast and easy to sell 10 Guilders gold coins if you know the right selling outlet. Our company is specialized in buying and trading coins and precious metals which is why we are able to offer you a very high purchase price and a great selling experience.
Perfectly prepared for selling
We offer fully insured shipping service and free shipping materials. Selling is so fast and easy. Just click sell now to start the selling process. You can even freeze our current prices by using our gold calculator for a pre-calculation. The purchase price of your 10 Guilders gold coins is then guaranteed for seven days and you don’t have to worry if the gold price drops.
10 Guilders Gold Coin in reDollar Shipping Kit.
Identify Fake Guilders/Gulden Coins
Weighing your coin is the first step to identify a fake. Please consider that “good” fakes may show the correct weight. The pictured coin weighs 6.72 grams what is a first indicator that the coin is authentic.
Weighing an authentic 10 Guilders gold coin.
Weighing a fake Guilders coin:
An authentic Guilders coin is supposed to weigh 6.73 grams but this coin weighs only 6.63 grams = approximately 1.48% weight difference. This is a first strong indicator that there is something wrong. Further testings proofed that this is NOT an authentic Guilders coin. This piece was cast, not minted and made of 14K gold. Not a bad fake but still easy to detect. A really bad fake would have a weight difference of 10% or even more.
Weighing a faked 10 Guilder Gold coin.
We use the latest technologies to check coins and to find out if they are authentic or not, making it possible NOT to damage the surface of the coin.
Watch out: kind of “sandy” surface
Look at the pictured photo. Can you see the “sandy” surface? You need to use a microscope or a magnifying glass to check the surface. A “sandy” surface is a very strong indicator that the coin was not minted but cast. All authentic Guilders coins were minted but never cast.
Fake cast 10 Guilders coin made of 14K gold.
Calculate Guilders/Gulden Coin Price
One 10 Guilders gold coin is supposed to weigh exactly 6.73 grams if it’s an authentic coin. 10 Guilders gold coins are made of .900 gold (=90% pure gold) and the value is very easy to calculate with our gold calculator.
How you calculate the value for one 10 Guilders gold coin:
- Select GOLD
- Select BULLION
- Select .900
- Select GRAMS
- Enter “6.73” in the gram-field
Use the calculator to get the current 10 Guilders price.