Silver Coin Melt Value

Every coin made of silver has an exact silver coin melt value that is directly connected with the current silver price. If you know your coin’s weight, its purity, and the silver price, you can also calculate the melt value. Today, one ounce of pure silver is worth $32.09 while its melt value is $30.51, which is only 5% less than silver’s market value.

When you sell silver to, you can expect to get paid the highest possible price. We have the best deals available for silver coins, and we offer the best melt deals as well. It’s important to know that we serve both individuals and commercial clients, offering the highest possible prices for both. Our melting process is done in less than a day, and we make an instant payment as soon as we receive your written or verbal agreement to our offer.

Secure Your 95% Silver Deal

We promise to pay you 95% of your silver’s material value. Nobody offers higher silver coin melt-value quotes than we do. Even refineries usually pay only 90% for your silver. Hurry and secure your deal today!

Use our popular silver calculator to do your own calculation!

Calculate Melt Value for Damaged Silver Coins

We believe in educating our customers. An educated customer who is able to understand the value of his items is able to appreciate our service. We want people to understand that they aren’t leaving any money on the table when they make a deal with us. Let’s talk about the silver coin melt value and how you can do your own calculation. The basis of your calculation is knowing how much silver is worth at the stock market. Let’s help you with that:

  • .999 Silver Market Value: $32.12 per troy ounce
  • .925 Silver Market Value: $29.74 per troy ounce
  • .900 Silver Market Value: $28.94 per troy ounce

(1 troy ounce equals 31.1 grams)

If you don’t know your coin’s weight, weigh your coin by using a digital scale. Bring the coin’s weight and the silver value together and voilà—you’ve got the current value of your coin. The silver coin melt value is exactly 95% of your calculated figure.

Melt Value 999 Silver Coins

Damaged or deeply scratched silver coins, even made of .999 pure silver, are melted when their condition is not good enough for resale.

999 SilverToday’s Melt Value
Troy Ounce$30.51

Melt Value 925 Silver Coins

.925 silver, also called sterling silver, was and is commonly used for minting coins. Many of those coins undergo melting for recycling.

925 SilverToday’s Melt Value
Troy Ounce$27.98

Melt Value 900 Silver Coins

Coins made of .900 silver are almost as common as coins made of sterling silver. There is only a 2.5% value difference to .925 silver.

900 SilverToday’s Melt Value
Troy Ounce$27.49

Our service is second to none and best rated by countless customers. Check our reviews and read what other silver sellers appreciate when they sell with us. Don’t believe dealers saying “We pay the highest prices” if they don’t clearly state how much they pay per ounce, gram, or pennyweight.

American Silver Coins Melt Values

If a silver coin is scratched or damaged, melting can be necessary. Many silver coins are worth the current silver price but no more. In that case, the silver coin melt value is the most important factor to understand how much a silver coin is worth.

Silver CoinsSilver ContentMelt Value
Peace Silver Dollar0.7734 oz$23.60
Morgan Silver Dollar0.7734 oz$23.60
Kennedy Half Dollar (40% Silver)0.1479 oz$4.50
Kennedy Half Dollar (90% Silver)0.36169 oz$11.03
Walking Liberty Half Dollar0.36169 oz$11.03
Franklin Half Dollar0.36169 oz$11.03
Washington Quarter0.18084 oz$5.51

Bullion Silver Coins Melt Values

Sometimes, even silver bullion coins are melted because their condition requires them to be recycled. Heavily scratched or damaged silver bullion coins are hard to sell, which is why many people and dealers decide to melt them down.

Silver CoinsSilver ContentCurrent Melt Value
10 oz311.03 grms$305.15
5 oz155.51 grams$152.57
4 oz124.41 grams$122.06
3 oz93.31 grams$91.55
2 oz62.20 grams$61.02
1 oz31.10 grams$30.51
1/2 oz15.55 gram$15.26

International Silver Coins Melt Values

We also melt international silver coins and pay 95% for those coins as well.

Silver CoinsSilver ContentMelt Value
Canada 1 Dollar80% Ag, 23.33 g$18.33
Canada 5 Dollars Olympia92.5% Ag, 24.30 g$22.07
Canada 10 Dollars92.5% Ag, 48.60 g$44.15
40% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$12.22
50% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$15.27
80% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$24.43
85% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$25.96
90% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$27.49
92.5% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$28.25
95.0% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$29.02
99.9% Silver Coins1 Troy Ounce$30.51

Silver Coin Melt Value works with several melting furnaces, which allows us to melt even platinum, which needs the highest temperature of all precious metals. Silver melts at only 1763.2°F, which is fast and can be achieved easily. Silver’s low melting point allows us to melt even a fistful of silver coins in just a few minutes. We then perform XRF tests to find out how much pure silver was used to mint your coins. Of course, we also share a detailed report with you that shows and explains your silver coins’ melt values.

Related Article: Gold Coin Melt Value

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